Looking At The Free Medical Check-Up Benefit In Health Insurance

Your health insurance policy is probably one of the most essential types of insurance products you will ever buy. It covers you during medical emergencies so that you do not end up dipping into your savings to pay for costly surgical procedures and hospital stays. Health insurance also offers policyholders many additional benefits such as the no-claims bonus and free health check-up, among others. These benefits can vary between insurers, but they are commonly advantageous for policyholders. In this article, we take a look at the free medical check-up benefit that comes along with your health insurance coverage.
What is the free medical check-up benefit?
The free medical check-up is a benefit that your health insurance policy offers you after you complete a certain number of claim-free years on your policy. This number of years can vary between insurers; usually, it is around 4 years. Do note that some insurance providers allow you to avail of this benefit even if you raised a claim on your coverage.
Free health screening is indeed a huge benefit offered by insurers. It really works to your advantage for health problems can often creep up announced and sometimes display no symptoms until they get serious. Going for this screening can keep you in touch with your well-being. Plus, medical tests can cost a lot of money so, this benefit saves you from paying for important medical check-ups on your own.
What is the process of claiming this benefit?
The process of availing of the free medical screening benefit on your health insurance policy can vary between insurers. Generally, you need to first intimate the insurer of your wish to make use of this benefit. You can do so by contacting the insurance provider on their toll-free number. They will then guide you on the next steps to be taken as per their system in order to claim this benefit. You may have to fill up a form which can usually be done online. Then the insurance company will get back to you confirming your selection of location and date of screening. Remember to choose a network medical center; if you are opt-in for a non-network clinic, you may have to pay for the tests and later apply for reimbursement which can unnecessarily create more work for you.
What are the tests generally covered in the screening?
Most free medical screenings include general tests such as complete blood count (CBC), fasting blood sugar, urine tests, ECG, and general consultation. There may be more tests added to this list depending on the extent of the benefit offered by the insurance provider. So, make sure to call up your insurance company and get a full detailed list of the tests that you can get done. Do note that if you have a higher sum insured on your health insurance policy, you will get a larger margin to spend on your free health check-up.
Do contact your insurance company and inquire about availing of the free health check-up on your health insurance policy if you have not done so already. Take care and stay fit!