Side-Effects of Long-Term Whiplash and Steps to Eliminate Whiplash

Side-Effects of Long-Term Whiplash

When it comes to accident injuries, whiplash stands on top of the ladder as it can occur in even the most minor accidents. Even though whiplash is a common injury, it certainly does not mean that you can neglect it. Others might deem it a legitimate accident but also think of whiplash as inherently mild—a brief bout of sorrow that doesn’t hang around long enough to warrant a lawsuit. The tenure of whiplash is usually short and daunting.

On the opposite, whiplash is a very real medical complication of different degrees of seriousness. It is not rare for car crash patients and other injured persons to have long-term whiplash effects.

That may sound shocking, but after you consider whiplash from a physiological, neurological context, medical fact becomes easier to embrace.


Whiplash is normally known as soft tissue damage that is caused when the neck is moved to and fro. In medical terms, it is known as a CAD or a cervical acceleration-deceleration disorder. The entire impact of whiplash is on the upper body – neck region as well as the shoulders. All in all, it has an adverse impact on your cervix. Whiplash is caused due to an abrupt movement therefore you don’t know what muscles are damaged and which region is more affected unless you opt for a professional whiplash injury treatment

How Is Whiplash Caused? 

Although accidents are the most common cause of accidents, there are many other causes that can lead to a person getting whiplash. Some of the most common reasons why people suffer from whiplash are: 

Contact Sports 

Think of sports where you have to get in contact with other people like karate, boxing, football, etc. Contact sports can get a bit dangerous especially if you are not trained professionally. 

Amusement Park Rides 

Roller coasters and rides like the 360 wheel are known to act as projectiles and people belted to the rides will have their upper body moved in different directions. Faster rides can cause whiplash. 

Riding Horses 

Horse riding is a fun activity for people and children of all ages but you need to maintain your posture while riding and not allow your neck to randomly jolt in different directions. 


When falling from a specific height, your body is unable to maintain a posture. You can hit your neck on the ground and twist your upper body – especially the neck. 

Physical Abuse 

Fighting with someone can cause intense pressure on the neck and there is a possibility that they can hold your head to rapidly move the neck in different directions.

Symptoms of Whiplash That Don’t Last Long

Unlike other physical symptoms, the short-term symptoms of whiplash do not appear immediately. You need to wait from 24 hours to 1 week (in rarer cases) for the symptoms to appear.  The most common symptoms associated with whiplash are: 

  • Restricted range of motion where your neck does not bend or twist without hurting you 
  • Spine pain that starts from the cervix and goes till the lumbar regions. 
  • Tingling sensation in the neck especially upon consuming something. 
  • Tinnitus 
  • Headache that continues to grow.
  • Concentration issues 
  • Feelings of irritation and sudden anger 
  • Mood swings that can occur without any reason. 

These symptoms are different in every patient. Some patients despite having minor symptoms in a very minor accident may feel more sensitivity as compared to other patients who might not feel the same. 

Long-Term Effects

In some cases when you don’t seek immediate treatment, your whiplash can worsen and the pain associated with whiplash can continue for years to come. In a recent study, ape-man explained that due to improper treatment with no proper care, the symptoms of her whiplash worsened and she has been suffering from chronic pain for the past three years. Now we are not talking about years or months of chronic pain, this can also go up to a lifetime of pain and discomfort. 

Are you witnessing some side effects after an accident that are causing neck pain but in a bad way? Then you might be going through something known as a long-term whiplash. Side effects of a long-term whiplash only occur when you do not get adequate treatment and restrict your rest time to a minimum. Some of the most common symptoms are:

  • Chronic pain in the neck along with really swift shoulders which make it hard for you to perform day to day tasks.
  • Dizziness and ringing in the ear that doesn’t seem to stop. 
  • Pain in the cervix that goes till lumbar region of spine. 
  • Pain in the jaws and ears which worsens when you talk. 
  • Numbness and tingling sensations in the hands and feet which indicate nerve damage. 
  • A deteriorated or blurred vision that causes intense strain on the eyes and temples. 
  • Insomnia or an uncomfortable sleep. 
  • Memory issues like forgetfulness, concentration problems and even personality changes leading to an overall change in behavior, functioning capacity and more.

What to Do After a Whiplash Injury? 

Whiplash can lead to significant changes in your overall health and personality. To make sure that you are on top of everything, and that your injury is not prone to the dangers of long-term chronic whiplash, you need to seek immediate whiplash injury treatment. Your doctor will perform a series of tests to determine the affected region and then finally establish a plan that will lead to a successful treatment. Just make sure that you always show up at your appointments and never miss your medication. Many people also seek the services of alternate care providers such as chiropractors and physical therapists who perform adjustments to relieve them from the pain and regular discomfort. 


Whiplash is a common injury that can affect people and their daily activities. Getting an on-time treatment is crucial for success and your health therefore never miss an appointment and do exactly what your doctor tells you to. Many people also stop visiting the doctor but they have been informed of growing symptoms and severe health complications.

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